Daily Thoughts


Human nature causes us to spend so much time exhausting ourselves in planning our life’s events… working to coordinate each and every detail of how we think things should go.

Scheduling our days, planning our weeks, looking at our journey based on a calendar, chasing time.

Hindsight says, honestly, our lives are built by the valuable moments that forever seal their place in our hearts.

Some are heartwarming or breathtaking, and some are heartstopping.

The moment you see your newborn baby’s face for the first time. The first time you see the ocean. The moment you say “I do”. Your walk across the stage signaling the start of a new chapter. Driving away and coming back home. The phone call with the diagnosis. The keys to your first home. A warp speed drive to the hospital. The planned and the unexpected. Sunrises and sunsets. Sweet hellos and painful good-byes.

All of these, and numerous more, are the building blocks of life… memories of moments.

There are moments in time when we feel like we are on the outside looking in. Times when we feel disconnected, life throws us a curve and we feel that we are merely observers. Best said as, “surreal”. It’s in these times that trust should be our first reaction. As arduous as it may be …trust that whatever the situation is, there is someone much higher than us in control.

In the last 606 days “trust” in every moment has been the only survival technique I have had. In the dark and mournful, the broken-hearted, the sorrowful, the questioning. Along with times when beautiful and captivating memories flood into every part of my being and I can place myself in that “precise moment” giving me the ability to smile and breathe.

Are we merely travelers through this lifetime accumulating things and checking off to-do list tasks? Blindly following habitual routines, missing the real purpose of our moments given in this life? Is it plausible that we could look each day in the eye, open our hearts and ask God to show us the purpose in every chance meeting, every missed appointment, every unexpected phone call, every unplanned event. I don’t believe in coincidences. He’s just waiting for you to ask Him “Show me what I’m suppose to do with all of it?”

God is accomplishing a thousand tiny purposes at any given moment around us. There is only so much we can know, but we can leave the stuff we can’t know to God and believe He has it all worked out. It may feel quiet, and we may even feel forgotten, but He is moving to work out His plans all around us. What is our part? Trust. – Jennie Allen, Restless

My heart tells me we should be more diligent in realizing that each and every moment holds a certain amount of gravity. Even the encounters and events that may seem insignificant to us at the time may hold extreme significance to another person. It’s a practice that takes conscious effort, but you never know what the impact may be when you recognize an important moment for someone else.

It’s as if every life experience should be carrying a sign, “This moment brought to you by God, within it lies an opportunity to make a difference… realize it, LOOK FOR IT !”

PSA: There is no rewind button.